What is a P&C?

A P&C (Parents and Citizens) Association is a group of parents, carers, school staff and community members who collaborate to support the school. It serves as a platform for parents to engage in children’s education, contribute to the school community, and advocate for the needs of the students and families.

How frequently do we meet?

The ENPS P&C meets twice per school term, usually on Wednesdays at 7pm in weeks 3 and 8. Meeting dates are advertised on the our website, the school newsletter, on our Facebook page and via class Whatsapp groups.

Who is part of the ENPS P&C

All parents and carers of students at Epping North Public School, as well as interested community members, are welcome to join. The committee includes:

  • President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer – responsible for leading and managing the P&C.

  • Subcommittee Coordinators – overseeing specific initiatives like fundraising, the canteen, and the uniform shop and reporting back to the Executive/membership for decision-making.

  • General Members – parents and carers who participate, share ideas, and volunteer for events and vote at P&C meetings.

  • The School Principal as an ex-officio member, who is a member by default, has the right to report at P&C meetings, but otherwise the same status as a general member.

What is your role as a parent at ENPS?

As a parent or carer, your role is to:

  • Participate: Attend meetings and contribute your ideas.

  • Volunteer: Help at events or in the canteen/uniform shop.

  • Engage: Provide feedback on school policies and programs.

  • Support: Assist in fundraising efforts that benefit the school community.

Is the P&C Part of the School?

No, the P&C is an independent body that works closely with the school but operates separately. It collaborates with the school leadership to support students and enhance the educational experience.

What's the Role of the Principal in the P&C?

The Principal:

  • Provides Updates: Shares school developments, policies, and upcoming events.

  • Advises on School Needs: Helps the P&C understand where support is requested.

  • Collaborates on Initiatives: Works with the P&C to implement programs that benefit students and families.

  • Consults with the P&C as per the policies and procedures of the NSW Department of Education.

  • Ex-Officio Member: The Principal attends meetings but does not have any more voting rights or control than a general member.

What are the Benefits of Being Involved?

  • Be Informed: Stay updated on school news and policies.

  • Have a Voice: Influence decisions that impact your child’s education.

  • Build Connections: Meet other parents and staff, creating a strong school community.

  • Support Your Child: Contribute to a positive and enriching school environment.

Does It Cost Me Anything?

To become a voting member, there is a $1 annual membership fee. This is paid via Qkr! and is a per person (not per family) payment i.e. each parent will need to pay the $1 fee to become a voting member.

What do we do?

The Epping North Public School (ENPS) P&C:

  • Supports the School: We provide financial assistance for educational resources, infrastructure improvements, and extracurricular activities.

  • Builds Community: We organize events that bring together students, parents, and staff, fostering a strong community spirit.

  • Advocates for Students: We serve as a voice for parents on school policies and initiatives.

  • Operates Services: We manage the canteen and uniform shop to support school services and fundraising.

How Can You Get Involved?

  • Attend Meetings: Come along to learn about what’s happening at the school.

  • Join the P&C Association: This gives you the right to vote at meetings and contribute to discussion/decisions.

  • Volunteer at Events: Help out at school functions, fundraising activities, or in the canteen.

  • Join a Subcommittee: Get involved in a specific area like fundraising or communications.

  • Share Your Skills: Contribute your professional expertise to help the P&C achieve its goals.

What Can You Expect at a Meeting?

Meetings are a warm welcoming space for everyone in our community. Whether you have been meetings for years, or this is your first time, you will find these meetings a unique and pleasant experience to engage with parents and the school.

At a P&C meeting, you can expect:

  • Updates from the School Principal: Learn about school initiatives, policies, and upcoming events.

  • Reports from President and P&C Subcommittees: Updates on fundraising, canteen, band, dance and uniform shop operations.

  • Open Discussion: A chance to raise questions, suggest ideas, and provide feedback.

  • Decision-Making: Voting on funding requests and new initiatives.

What if I Can't Come to All the Meetings?

That’s perfectly okay! Your involvement is as flexible as you need it to be:

  • You can stay informed by reading the meeting minutes, which are shared online.

  • You can participate in events or initiatives when you’re available.

  • You can share your ideas or feedback by contacting committee members outside of meeting times.

Who Do You Talk to for More Information?

You can:

  • Email the P&C President: president@pandc.org.au

  • Speak to Committee Members: They are usually present at school events, or find us at the school gates!

  • Join the Online Community: Connect via the P&C’s Facebook group.

How Do I Join?

  • Attend a Meeting: Register as a member during the meeting - voting rights will be available at the subsequent meeting; or

  • Register via Qkr!: The P&C’s payment app; or

  • Pay here via our website: (see Membership and Shop)

Join Us and Make a Difference!

Your involvement in the ENPS P&C is valuable. Whether you attend meetings, volunteer at events, or just share your ideas, every contribution counts. Together, we can make Epping North Public School a thriving community for our children to learn and grow.