Enhancing the School Experience

Imagine a world where every ENPS parent comes together to make magic happen. From representing our school with pride, to fundraising like superheroes, and facilitating countless opportunities for our school community. That's us, ENPS P&C members!

Let's transform ordinary school days into extraordinary adventures!

It’s Party Time

You know you want to join us. Learn more about events in the by the Epping North PS P&C Association designed specifically for our little ones and their families. From school discos and gingerbread night to trivia and mother’s/father’s day events, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Let’s Band Together

Dive into a realm of musical possibilities and unlock your child’s instrumental potential with our band. Learn more about options for your Epping North child and for volunteering here!

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

Embark on a thrilling journey of growth and transformation with ENPS P&C Dance. With options for boys and girls from K-6, we have options for everyone! Learn more here.

Always Best Dressed

Visit ENPS P&C's Volunteer-Run Uniform Shop for all of your school attire. Support our students with every purchase!

Hungry Kids Love Our Canteen

Join our wonderful canteen team on Wednesdays and Fridays to serve the healthy eaters of Epping North. There’s never a dull meal at our canteen!

Parent Power

Support our children's education by volunteering at school for canteen duty, events, fundraising. Each contribution matters, creating a positive learning environment for students. Find fulfillment and connection through volunteering. Consider helping at ENPS P&C!

Join the ENPS P&C Fun!